Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sumpah jeles gile kepade sapesape yang dah pergi tgk
seriously dah lame gile tak tgk teater.
teater laen takpe lagi kot.
ni teater KAMPUNG BOY beb
u read that?KAMPUNG BOY!huh!
uwaaa.jeles yang dah boleh ditahan tahan lagi.
seakan diriku dilambung
dan dilepaskan ke bawah Niagara Falls (pehh,hiperbola je lebeyh)
but still cemburu yang tak boleh diluahkan dengan kate kate
sampai kalau tertengok entry pasal ni kat blog laen
rase seperti jantung ditarik keluar dari badan dan disimpan ke dalam peti
(dah macam Dead Man's chest punye cerite plak)-->well, one more hiperbola here;p
Tp nak buat macam memg tade duet.
plus sy kini di negeri laen,
tambahan pule rakan seperjuangan kaki teater pon tiada sudah.
dan yang paling penting,
saye tak pandai book ticket (salu keje org laen ;p)
takpe lah.saye akan cube belajar menerima hakikat
mungkin ini adalah yang terbaek
sekian dari saye, cik Fa Idris Ismail
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Watch korean dramas for free and no much loading to wait
Ni untuk sapesape yang gile cerita korea jela.
Klik link ni.
pandaipandai lah korg cari cite pe korang nak tgk ye;)
Klik link ni.
pandaipandai lah korg cari cite pe korang nak tgk ye;)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
How to download game of PLANTS vs ZOMBIES for free
Hey guys!
do you like to play game of
PLANTS vs ZOMBIES like i do?
or having any troubles to download it like i do, too?hehe
So here,
i wanted to share the URL to download the game for free:
1st step: Google, of course;)
2nd step: Type, enter and then (choose any, but i suggest to click the 1st one)
3rd step: Copy and paste this link (down here) on the 'file URL to download' space and click LEECHTUBE!download|784tl3|229497650|Plants_vs._Zombies.rar|47028
4th step: Ignore the advertisement (click 'skip ads' at the right top of your side)
5th step: Click download
If there is any trouble to download the game,just let me know
Try it and GOOD LUCK B)
do you like to play game of
PLANTS vs ZOMBIES like i do?
or having any troubles to download it like i do, too?hehe
So here,
i wanted to share the URL to download the game for free:
1st step: Google, of course;)
2nd step: Type, enter and then (choose any, but i suggest to click the 1st one)
3rd step: Copy and paste this link (down here) on the 'file URL to download' space and click LEECHTUBE!download|784tl3|229497650|Plants_vs._Zombies.rar|47028
4th step: Ignore the advertisement (click 'skip ads' at the right top of your side)
5th step: Click download
If there is any trouble to download the game,just let me know
Try it and GOOD LUCK B)
![]() |
Let us be addicted to it together;) |
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Entry for tonight:
Fb's wall post posted by fa idris:
syudsyudsyudsyudsyudsyudsyudwanda.eyh salah.syud baleksyudsyudsyudsyudsyudsyud.eslilin.eyh salah lg.syud baleksyudsyudsyudsyudsyudsyudsyud(mentera menyeru syud)
4 hours ago · ·
Wawa Hae Na likes this.
Comments:- Syuhada Roslan apakahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
35 minutes ago ·
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I hate u,me,urself,myself and those people!
oh awak
sy dah rosak semule
fikiran sy pown
diri sy dah tak terurus
sy stress, depress
mungkin tak mustahil sy kene amek ubat anti depresi lepas ni
sume ni gare2 awak
sy benci awk
awk tawu tak
of coz la awk tatau
kenape awk berlakon cool sgt?
awk memg bergaye,
jadi tak perlu lah awk buat muke macam tuh
sy btl2 nak sepak muke awk skang ni
nak sangat2
sebab awk dah rosakkan smule minda sy yg suci lg murni
awk tawu tak bape lame sy amek mase untk lupe kan kaum2 awk?
hampir 3 thn lbey taw!
sy igtkan panas sampai ke ptg
sy tak sangke akan terjebak lagi dalam kegiatan macam ni
tergamak sy menodai mase tido sy sebab awk
tp sy tawu bukan awk sorg je salah dalam situasi ni
FERDAUS YAHAYA lah punce terbesar nye!
terime kasih la pd kaw
sebab da heret aku untuk kembali ke lembah fantasi nih!
kalaw kaw tak ajak aku tgk balek METEOR GARDEN,
aku takan jadi macam ni
lepas satu, satu datang
boys over flower,playful kiss,witch yoo hee,personal taste
aku benci kaw fir!
sebab kaw dah jd kan aku budak skulah balek
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
i just don't get it.why?
Amat la tak ku fahami mengape kaw sungguh memikat.
berpinarpinar mataku tatkala terlihat kelibat bulatbulat di badan mu
berdebardebar jantungku,
sesak nafasku dengan harumanmu..
walaupun hakikatnya kaw memang tak berbau
kaw membuat tumpuanku hilang,
dan kaw juga mampu membuat duitku hilang,
kuning sangat santai
hitam itu kacak!
sweet ever B)
buddies should have those;))
gosh!u just killing me
Yang ni betulbetul buley buat ku mereng:
si cutie it;>
Thursday, March 3, 2011
UNGUnya cinta
Cerite romantik komedi terbaik Malaysia!
Coz tak best langsung.tah hape2. Berlakon mcm bace skrip.
Jalan crite pown macam pelik je.
Senang ckp, kalo genre ni kluar kat panggung, sumpahla takan pegi!
Bkn nak ckp pelakon2 kite truk sgt.just byk lg yg mreke2 kene baiki.
Tp, maybe tak sume yg spendapat dgn sy.
It just, this's what i feel right now.
No offend k;)
Walaubagaimanapun (ha amek.kemaen panjang)
crite yg satu ni dah ubah sikitla persepsi sy
Taniah taniah;))
Aaaa.. back to crite ungunya cinta lek
ditayangkan awal bulan 2 aritu, tp baru tgk(memg sgt lembap kaw ni farah)
Neway, jalan crite yg simple, gamble dan sgale ble2 yg ade lah.
Even endingnye sedeyh, it still superb
kudos to DIRECTOR!
mreke memg sgt sporting;))
**Truely, it reminds me to
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